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BooksBooks EditedArticles in Referred JournalsChapters in Books
Articles in Proceedings VolumesEncylopedia ArticlesBook ReviewsOther Publications
Work in PreparationUnpublished and Professional Work



Many Things in Parables. Jesus and His Modern Critics (Louisville: Westminster, 2004).

With Paul Mirecki, The Gospel of the Savior. A New Ancient Gospel (Santa Rosa, CA: Polebridge, 1999).

When History and Faith Collide. Studying Jesus (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1999).

Parables as Poetic Fictions: The Creative Voice of Jesus (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1994).

The Apocalypse of Adam: A Literary and Source Analysis (Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, l980).

Books Edited

(With James E. Goehring, Jack T. Sanders, and Hans Dieter Betz) Gospel Origins and Christian Beginnings. In Honor of James M. Robinson (Sonoma, CA: Polebridge Press, 1990).

(With James E. Goehring, Jack T. Sanders, and Hans Dieter Betz) Gnosticism and the Early Christian World. In Honor of James M. Robinson (Sonoma, CA: Polebridge Press, 1990).

The Historical Jesus and the Rejected Gospels (Semeia 44; Atlanta: Scholars Press, l988).

Nag Hammadi Codices XI, XII, XIII (Nag Hammadi Studies 28; Leiden/New York/Københaven/Köln: Brill Press, l990).

(With Robert Hodgson, Jr.) Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and Early Christianity, (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, l986).

Articles in Referred Journals

"Vestiges of an Ancient Codex Containing a Psalms Testimonia and a Gospel Homily," Journal of Coptic Studies (to appear).

"Vestigial Scenes in John: Settings without Dramatization," Novum Testamentum (to appear).

"A Monastic Exorcism Text," Journal of Coptic Studies (to appear 2005).

"A Revelation Discourse of Jesus," Journal of Coptic Studies (to appear 2005).

"The Secret Gospel of Mark: Stalemate in the Academy," Journal of Early Christian Studies 11.2 (2003): 133-45.

"Caveats to a 'Righted Order' of the Gospel of the Savior," Harvard Theological Review 96.2 (2003): 229-38.

"Religion and Public Education: The Bible in the Bible Belt," Bulletin of the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion 31.4 (2002): 90-94.

"Newly Identified Fragments of Coptic Acts and the Apocalypse" Journal of Coptic Studies 3 4 (2002): 127-32, plates 16-18.

"The 34 Gospels. Diversity and Division among the Earliest Christians," Bible Review 18.3 (June 2002): 20-31, 46-47.

(With Nikolaos Olympiou) "The Secret Gospel of Mark: New Photographs of the Missing Manuscript," The Fourth R 13.5 (September-October 2000):3-11, 14.

"Parable and Kingdom. A Survey of the Evidence in Mark," Perspectives in Religious Studies 27.2 (Summer, 2000): 179-199.

"The Rediscovery of a New Ancient Gospel," The Fourth R 12.2 (March/April, 1999): 9-11, 14.

"The Body of Jesus Following the Resurrection," in John 20, An American Bible Society Interactive CD for Windows (New York: American Bible Society, to appear).

"An Unfinished Story about a Fig Tree in a Vineyard (Luke 13:6-9)," Perspectives in Religious Studies 26.2 (1999):169-92 (Festschrift for Edgar V. McKnight; edited by Charles H. Talbert).

"Time Sequence Notations in John 20; Gospel of Thomas." An American Bible Society Interactive CD-Rom for Windows (New York: American Bible Society-to appear).

"Prolegomena to Reading Parables. Luke 13:6-9 As a Test Case," Review and Expositer 94.2 (1997): 179-97.

"An Unpublished Coptic Fragment of the Gospel of Matthew," Journal of Coptic Studies 3 (2001): 149-151, plate 18.

"The Victim Beside the Road in the Story of the Samaritan" in The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), An American Bible Society Interactive CD-Rom for Windows (New York: American Bible Society, 1998).

"The Poetics of the Samaritan" in The Good Samaritan (Luke 10.25-37)," An American Bible Society Interactive CD-Rom for Windows (New York: American Bible Society, 1998).

"Representing Prayer in Mark and Chariton's Chaereas and Callirhoe," Perspectives in Religious Studies 22.3 (1995): 239-57.

"Ancient Fiction and Early Christian and Jewish Narrative Working Group," The Petronian Society Newsletter 24.1-2 (June 1994): 6-7.

"Miracle Stories as Literary Compositions: The Case of Jairus's Daughter," Perspectives in Religious Studies 20.3 (1993): 217-33.

"On Foreign Soil: The Tragedy of a Civilianized Chaplaincy During the Mexican-American War," Military Chaplains' Review (Winter 1992): 61-85.

"Four Shibboleths of Southern Baptist Orthodoxy," The Fourth R 4.3 (May 1991): 7-11.

"Gnosticism: The Religion of the Alien God," The Fourth R 3.6 (November, 1990): 1-7 .

"On Moving Mountains: Mark 11:22b-23/Matt 21:21 and Parallels," Forum 6.3-4 (1990): 219-37 (appeared April 1993).

"Toward a Standard of Ethics for New Testament Scholars: Heavenly Labials in a World of Gutterals," Perspectives in Religious Studies l7.2 (l990): l0l-l5.

"The Emergence of the Chaplaincy as a Professional Army Branch: A Survey and Summary of Selected Issues," Military Chaplains' Review (Winter l990): l9-50.

"Dancing a Little Sidestep: The Southern Baptist Peace Committee Report," Perspectives in Religious Studies l5.l (l988): 25-36.

"Narrator and Story in the Gospel of Mark: Hermeneia and Paradosis," Perspectives in Religious Studies l4.3 (l987): 239-58.

"Bible Quiz: Diversity in the Gospels," Bible Review 3 (l987): 49-5l.

"The Jesus Seminar: A Pronouncement," Forum l.3 (August/l985): 33-34.

"Song and Sermon in the Free Church Tradition: Dream and Reality," Restoration Quarterly 28.3 (l985/86): l55-69.

"Thomas and the Synoptics: Aiming at a Consensus," The Second Century 7.l (Spring l989-90): 39-56.

"The Treasure Parable in Matthew and Thomas," Forum 2.2(l986): 4l-56.

"What is a Gospel? Geography, Time, and Narrative Structure," Perspectives in Religious Studies l0 (l983): 255-68.

"The Role of Summary Statements in the Composition of the Gospel of Mark: A Dialogue with Karl Schmidt and Norman Perrin," Novum Testamentum 26 (l984): 289-3ll.

"Wearing Two Hats and Standing on a Banana Peel: Confessional Statements in Theological Education," Perspectives in Religious Studies ll (l984): l05-l4.

"Kingdom Sayings and Parables of Jesus in the Apocryphon of James: Tradition and Redaction," New Testament Studies 29 (l983): l-24.

"Gnostic Proclivities in the Greek Life of Pachomius and the Sitz im Leben of the Nag Hammadi Library," Novum Testamentum 22 (l980): 78-94.

"Christian Motifs in the Gospel of the Egyptians: Method and Motive," Novum Testamentum 23 (l98l): 242-60.

"Paul's Conversion/Call: A Comparative Analysis of the Three Reports in Acts," Journal of Biblical Literature l00 (l98l): 4l5-32.

"Resurrection: Radical Theology in the Gospel of Matthew," Lexington Theological Quarterly 14 (1979): 40-45.

"Some Techniques in the Placement of Papyrus Fragments," Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists l3 (December/l976): 2-6.

"One Man's Opinion: A Reply to Norman Wagner," Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion 7 (October/l976): 3-5.

Chapters in Books

"Miracles in Mark: A Study in Markan theology and Its Implications for Modern Religious Thought" in Steve Berneking, ed., The Right Word at the Right Time: Essays on Text and Translation in Honor of Barclay M. Newman (American Bible Society--to appear).

"The 'Good News' About the Historical Jesus," in Preaching the Historical Jesus (Polebridge Press-to appear).

"Jesus of Nazareth. A Profile Under Construction. Pages 65-72 in Roy W. Hoover, ed., Profiles of Jesus (Santa Rosa, CA: Polebridge).

AAn Anecdotal Argument for the Independence of Thomas from the Synoptic Gospels@ in Hans-Gebhard Bethge, Stephen Emmel, Karen King, and Imke Schletter, eds., For the Children, Perfect Instruction. Studies in Honor of Hans-Martin Schenke on the Occasion of the Berliner Arbeitskreis für Koptisch-gnostische Studien's Thirtieth Year (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2002).

AA Preliminary Report on Coptic Codex P. Berol. Inv. 22220." Pp. 127-30 in S. Emmel, M. Krause, S. G. Richter, S. Schaten, eds., Ägypten und Nubien in spätantiker und christlicher Zeit. Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses Münster, 20.-26. Juli 1996f (2 vols.; vol. 2: Schrifttum, Sprache und Gedankenwelt; Sprachen und Kulturen des christlichen Orients, 6.2; Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1999).

AThe Role of >Summary Statements= in the Composition of the Gospel of Mark: A Dialogue with Karl Schmidt and Norman Perrin.@ Pp. 121-43 in David E. Orton, ed., The Composition of Mark=s Gospel. Selected Studies from Novum Testamentum (Brill=s Readers in Biblical Studies 3; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999).

AThe Treasure Parable in Matthew and Thomas,@ AThe Parable of the Unjust Judge,@ and ASly as a Snake@ in The Wit and Wisdom of Jesus. A Collaborative Commentary on the Authentic Words of Jesus (Santa Rosa, CA: Polebridge Press, to appear).

AFrom the Gospels to Jesus.@ Pp. 36-47 in C. Robert Mesle, ed., Theology 5: The Jesus Seminar (Independence, Mo.: Graceland/Park Press, 1998).

AThe Gospel of Thomas and Early Christian Tradition@ in Søren Giversen and Marianne Skovmand, eds., Gnostica et Manichaica. Papers by a gremium of International Scholars Presented in Denmark During the Years 1995-1999. The Royal Danish Society of Sciences; Historical-Philosophical Information (to appear).

AConceiving the Narrative: Colors in Achilles Tatius and the Gospel of Mark.@ Pp. 177-197 in R. F. Hock, J. B. Chance, and J. Perkins, eds., Ancient Fiction and Early Christian Narrative (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998).

"Narrative Asides in John=s Apocalypse and their Significance for Reading the Text." Pp. 645-661 in 1900th Anniversary of St. John=s Apocalypse. Proceedings of the International and Interdisciplinary Symposium (Athens - Patmos, 17-26 September 1995) (Athens: Monastery of St. John the Theologian, Patmos, 1999).

"A New Coptic Fragment of the Book of Hebrews." Pp. 243-46 in J. Coleson and V. H. Matthews, eds., Go to the Land I Will Show You: Studies in Honor of Dwight W. Young (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996).

"Unreliable Narration: John on the Story of Jesus. The Chronicler on the History of Israel." Pp. 121-43 in R. B. Sloan and M. C. Parsons, eds., Perspectives on John: Method and Interpretation in the Fourth Gospel (NABPR Special Studies Series 11; Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, 1993).

"Jonah. Coptic Text, Translation, Notes and Variant Readings." Pp. 217-59 in J.E. Goehring, ed., The Crosby-Schøyen Codex MS 193 in the Schøyen Collection (Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium 521; Louvain: Peeters, 1990).

"Authorial Presence and Narrator in John: Commentary and Story." Pp. 74-93 in James E. Goehring, Charles W. Hedrick, Jack T. Sanders with Hans Dieter Betz, eds., Gospel Origins and Christian Beginnings. In Honor of James M. Robinson (Sonoma, CA: Polebridge Press, l990).

"A Response to James M. Robinson: >Very Goddess and Very Man=: Jesus' Better Self." Pp. 128-35 in K. King, ed., Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism (Philadelphia: Fortress, l988).

"The Tyranny of the Synoptic Jesus." Pp. 1-8 in C.W. Hedrick, ed., The Historical Jesus and the Rejected Gospels (Semeia 44; Atlanta: Scholars Press, l988).

"Parables and the Kingdom: The Vision of Jesus in Fiction and Faith." Pp. 368-93 in K. H. Richards, ed., Society of Biblical Literature 1987 Seminar Papers (SBL Seminar Papers Series 26; Atlanta: Scholars Press, l987).

"Introduction: Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and Early Christianity--A Beginner's Guide." Pp. 1-11 in C. W. Hedrick and Robert Hodgson, Jr., eds., Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and Early Christianity (Peabody, MA; Hendrickson, l986).

"Past and Future as Ethical Exordium: A Survey of Ethical Foundations for Christian Behavior in the New Testament." Pp. 93-117 in S. Burgess, Reaching Beyond: Chapters in the History of Perfectionism (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, l986).

"The Second Apocalypse of James." Pp. 105-49 in Douglas Parrott, ed. Nag Hammadi Codices V and VI (Leiden: E.J. Brill, l979). "The Second Apocalypse of James." Pp. 249-55 in James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English (San Francisco: Harper and Row, l977).

"The Second Apocalypse of James." Pp. 269-76 in James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English (3rd. ed. revised; San Francisco: Harper and Row, l988).

"? ??????? ????????? ??? I??O??? (V,4)." Pp. 226-34 in S?ßßa? ??o???d?? ed. and trans., ??IS?I??I??S G?OS?I?IS??S. ?? ????I?? ??I???? ??? ??G ??????I S??? ?IG???? (Athens: ?????? ?I??I?O? ?????O? "????S ?OS," 1989).

"The Apocalypse of Adam: A Literary and Source Analysis." Pp. 2.581-90 in Lane C. McGaughy, ed. The Society of Biblical Literature One Hundred Eighth Annual Meeting. Book of Seminar Papers, Friday-Tuesday, 1-5 September 1972 Century Plaza Hotel-Los Angeles, CA (2 vols.; Missoula, MT: SBL, 1972).

Articles in Proceedings Volumes

AWhen History and Faith Collide. Response to Reviews by Scott S. Elliott and Stephen J. Patterson.@ Pp. 203-19 in Scott S. Elliott, ed., Proceedings of the Central States Regional Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Schools of Oriental Research (volume 3 of 3; April 2-3, 2000).

Encylopedia Articles

"Fig Tree" (pp. 460-61) and "Parables" (pp. 1006-1008) in The Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (D. N. Freedman, Editor-in-Chief; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000).

"The Second Apocalypse of James" and "The Apocalypse of Adam." Pp. 3.632-33; 1.66-68 in the Coptic Encyclopedia (Azziz Atiya, ed.; New York/Toronto/Oxford/Singapore/Sydney: Macmillan/ Collier/Sydney, 1991).

"The Second Apocalypse of James" and "The Apocalypse of Adam." Pp. 3.632-33; 1.66-68 in the Anchor Bible Dictionary (David N. Freedman, gen. ed.; New York/London/Toronto/Sydney/Auckland: Doubleday, 1992).

"The Apocalypse of Adam," "Gnosticism," and "The Gospel of Thomas." Pp. 10-11, 333-35, 913-14 in Watson E. Mills, et al., Mercer Dictionary of the Bible (Macon, GA: Mercer, l990).

Book Reviews

The Jesus controversy. Perspectives in Conflict by John Dominick Crossan, Timothy Luke Johnson, and Werner H. Kelber, Religious Studies Review 26 (2000):281.

The Historical Jesus in the Twentieth Century 1900-1950 by Walter P. Weaver, Journal of Biblical Literature (to appear).

Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Writings by Majella Franzmann, Journal of Biblical Literature 117.3 (1998): 544-46.

The Religion of Jesus the Jew by Geza Vermes, Perspectives in Religious Studies 23.4 (1996): 451-53.

An Introduction to New Testament Christology by Ramond E. Brown, Perspectives in Religious Studies 23.4 (1996): 450-51.

Jesus Under Fire. Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus. M.J. Wilkins and J.P. Moreland, eds., Perspectives in Religious Studies 23.4 (1996): 453-57.

The Gospel of Thomas and Jesus by Stephen J. Patterson, Journal of Biblical Literature 114.2 (1995): 329-31.

New Testament Apocrypha. Vol. 1 Gospels and Related Writings and Vol. 2 Writings Relating to the Apostles; Apocalypses and Related Subjects. German ed. Wilhelm Schneemelcher; trans. and ed. R. McL. Wilson, Biblical Archaeologist 57.3 (1994): 180-81.

(With Stanley M. Burgess) The Coptic Encyclopedia. Ed. Aziz Atyia, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 290-291 (May-August 1993): 141-44.

Les parenthèses dans l'Évangile de Jean: aperçu historique et classification texte grec de Jean, by Gilbert Van Belle, Journal of Biblical Literature l06.4 (l987): 7l9-2l.

Sayings Traditions in the Apocryphon of James by Ron Cameron, Journal of Biblical Literature l05 (l986): 74l-43.

Sparsa Collecta: The Collected Essays of W.C. van Unnik. Part III by W.C. van Unnik, The Second Century 6.2 (l987/88): l25-27.

The Other Gospels: Non-Canonical Gospel Texts by Ron Cameron, Biblical Archaeologist Review, January/February (l984): l4-l7.

The Other Gospels: Non-Canonical Gospel Texts by Ron Cameron, Biblical Archaeologist, Summer (l983): l90.

La Protennoia trimorphe (NH XIII, l) Texte établi et présenté by Yvonne Janssens, The Second Century 2 (l982): 45-47.

Two Powers in Heaven: Early Rabbinic Reports about Christianity and Gnosticism by Alan F. Segal, Journal of Biblical Literature 99 (l980): 638-39.


"Mental Attitude Vital in How We Approach Demise," Religion and Ethics Editorial, Springfield News-Leader, August 20, 2003: 10A

"Black Cats in road, Bible in the Church," Religion and Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, June 18, 2003: 8A

"Why Should God Care About Ball?" Religion and Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, May 7, 2003: 10A.

"One God or Many, Belief is Strong," Religion and Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, March 12, 2003: 8A.

"Wake-up Call Jars Man's Inner Clock," Religion and Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, July 17, 2002: 14A.

"Water the Soul So It Flourishes." Religion and Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, May 8, 2002: 12A.

"How Does God Send Messages?" Religion and Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-leader, February 6, 2002: 10A.

"Every Religion can Prove truth," Religion and Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, January 1, 2002: 10A.

"Does God Have a Funny Bone." Religion and Ethics Editorial. The Springfield News-Leader, July 9, 2001: 10A.

"Spiritual Resurrection Brings Hope." Religion and Ethics Editorial. The Springfield News-Leader, April 15, 2001:12A.

"Luke's Theme Changes Lives." Religion and Ethics Editorial. The Springfield News-Leader, December 25, 2000:10A

AStones Fade; Look to Eternity.@ Religion and Ethics Editorial. The Springfield News-Leader, September 18, 2000: 8A.

ATrue Religion? It All Depends,@ Religion and Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, July 10, 2000:8A.

AHoliday Tapestry, an Egalitarian Mix,@ Ozarks Voices Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, December 25, 1999:14A.

AGod=s Message or Coincidence?@ Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, October 19, 1999:6A.

AEden Could be Repressive,@ Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, September 5, 1999:6A.

ASubmission Call Stifles Diversity,@ Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, June 22, 1998:6A.

ASize of the Universe Makes our Differences Seem Small,@ Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, January 19, 1998:9A.

AFates of Gods Lesson for Us,@ Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, August 25, 1997:4A.

AJesus Surpassed Tolerance, Telling Us: Love Enemies,@ Ozarks Voices Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, June 19, 1997:4A.

"Use Bible's Text in Right Context," Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, May 27, 1996:8A.

"Violence Based on Religion Abuses Trust," Commentary, The Springfield News-Leader, November 30, 1995:9A.

"Choose Your Paths Wisely," Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, August 14, 1995:4A.

"True Religion: Meeting Needs," Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, September 4, 1995:8A.

AOur Customs: Only Skin Deep?@ Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, May 8, 1995:4A.

"Faith Speaks Without Words," Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, March 13, 1995:4A.

"Christmas Day Gives Back What We Put In," Christmas Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, December 25, 1994:11B

"Last Words Should be Simple," Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, December 5, 1994:4A.

"Can Values Come from Accident of Birth?" Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, October 17, 1994:4A.

"Make Time for Those Who Matter," Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, July 11, 1994:4A.

"Censorship Won't Sway Hearts, Minds," Religion/Ethics Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, January 3, 1994:4A.

Poetry--"Reflections on the Letter i," Potpourri. A Magazine of the Literary Arts 5.1 (January, 1993) 3.

"Christmas Story Survives Everything, Even Pre-holiday Sales," Christmas Editorial, The Springfield News-Leader, December 25, 1986:14A.

"The Army Chaplain: Prophet-ess, Priest-ess, and Resident Humanist," Chaplain Bulletin, Fifth U.S. Army. Vol. 10 (1985) enclosure 2.

Poetry--"The Lion's Tooth," Shiftless Stone Review 1(1991): 2.

Poetry-- "Musings," Bitterroot. International Poetry Journal 26 (1986): 48.

"Last Rites for Survivors: Suggestions for Ordering Chaos," Military Chaplains' Review, Winter (1982): 23-27. "

Excellence in Preaching: A Neglected Art?" Military Chaplains' Review, Winter (1979): 1-9.

"Preachers Might Learn from Broadway Actors," Broadway Review, Staten Island Advance, March 11, 1979: Section 2, p. 1.


Twelve plates of papyrus fragments in Coptic from the British Museum (acquired by the museum in 1850 and subsequently misplaced).

"A Coptic Revelation Discourse," a fragment of a vellum codex in the Coptic Museum in Old Cairo.

Translation of a l6th Century French Commentary on the Gospel of Mark.


"Banias Archaeological Project, 18 May-12 June 1992, Area G, Final Report"

"Banias Excavation Project. Selected Squares in Area B. 22.V.90-2l.VI.90"

"The Excavation of T-8 in the Gebel et-Tarif" (archaeological report on the excavation of a sixth Dynasty burial tomb in Nag Hammadi, Egypt; to be incorporated in the final project report).